NPR picks up on altered Reuters photo

NPR ran a short segment on the faked Reuters photos, using an interview with a Reuter’s photoeditor. It soft pedals the whole thing, including omitting any mention about Charles Johnson’s Little Green Footballs, which exposed the fraud; and letting stand unchallenged the photographer’s new claim, not that it was a mistake, but that he was just making the photo better. Nevertheless, the story is sufficiently accurate with the facts it does report that it might pique thinking people into exploring the matter further.

Interestingly, the story implies that Hajj, because he is Lebanese, just can’t be expected to know the finer points of not lying and faking when submitting photographs to a major news organization. Neither Renee Montagne, of NPR, nor Garry Hershorn, the Reuters photoeditor, seem at all upset at having been played for fools.

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