Lovely thoughts from the Left

One of the most popular posts at WordPress today is musically entitled “America — F*** YOU.”  It’s an interesting post in that it’s a microcosom of everything that’s ugly about today’s Left.  This strain has always lived in the fringe Left, but it’s worth noting now, as these views move closer and closer to the Center.  The post is a rant that manages to combine anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Christianity in one sustained spew of bile:

America, I hate you.

From your fucked up values and religious whacks like your president, to your arrogant “I love oil” nature and your love for attempting to f*** other countries up with your “superior” defence force. I hate the way you think that America is responsible for all good in this world. You’re not.

You did not invent human rights, you did not invent sliced bread, or the wheel, AND JESUS WAS NOT BORN IN TEXAS. NOR WAS HE WHITE.

AND HE DID NOT SLEEP WITH YOUR SISTER. Although I’m sure you did.

I hate you so much that I want to draw a tan^-1(1degree) with my fist to your face. (NO, YOU DID NOT INVENT TRIANGLES)

I hate how you complain about the price of oil, while you rape your planet with your fat ass, McDonald’s eating, gas guzzling f*** Hummers of hell.


I hate your conservative, Jewish-owned media with your O’Reillys and Coulters spouting pro-Bush, Christian (figure that?) propaganda, and telling you that Bush taking away your freedom is the greatest liberty you will ever receive.


And I hate your disgusting superiority complex, segregating all races except Americans (ye, that’s a race) and f***ing over your neighbours to the south by not allowing them to speak Spanish, and thinking that you are far better than Canada. You’re not.

Etc.  No argument, no logic, no facts.  Just one long sustained scream.  Because it’s garnered a lot of traffic, one might assume that this charming missive to America was simply a publicity ploy, aimed at getting attention.  However, that assumption is quickly destroyed by taking a look at the blog’s other posts, which are equally hostile, although not quite so incoherent, when it comes to attacking America and faith.

This is just one person, of course, and America has, at all times, had its haters.  Thinking about it, though, this is kind of a new type of hate.  In the past, those professing hate professed their hatred under an “I love America” banner, as in “I love America, and fear that it’s being destroyed by [blacks/Jews/Catholics/Protestants/Asians/Women/Men/Gays/Straight people/ etc.”  Here, we have someone who has completely abandoned the pretence that he or she actually has any residual fondness for the country itself or for anything it stands for.

Rather typically, too, for the New Left, the post doesn’t offer any alternative vision for America.  The writer hates it, absolutely hates it, and hates everything it stands for, and hates faith, and hates Jews, and hates hamburgers, and hates the media, etc.  But there’s nothing constructive here.  There are no convictions, no ideas (no matter how foul they might be).  In this regard, the writer has sunk even lower than the traditional 20th Century bad guys (Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, the KKK, and that ilk), all of whom had a sustained utopian vision, whether it was one of socialist or Aryan purity.  This guy offers nothing.  There’s no black flag around which to rally.  Here be nihilism and it’s not pretty.