That which we call a rose, part II

Because the Left is so exquisitely attuned to pejorative words, a Florida Democrat wants to ban the State government’s use of the phrase “illegal alien,” preferring the oh so much more polite and non-judgmental “undocumented immigrant.” Please pass me the barf bag. This attempt to dress up illegal conduct in pretty words is making me sick. But it’s also giving me ideas. No more “murderers.” Instead, we’ll have “life relievers.” Forget “robbers.” We’ll have “unauthorized property attainers.” “Rapists” no more. I”m going to call them “non-consensual penetrators.” Hey, this is fun! Join me in the comments section.

UPDATE:  In a similar vein, see this story out of England.  While I’ll agree that the defendant behaved heinously, and undoubtedly broke existing laws about threatening behavior, the “racist” tag again is one for the language police.

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