
I don’t have time to blog this morning, but did take a minute to check out today’s Drudge. Is it only Drudge, or is it the whole world that has elevated Imus’ big mouth to headline status, above just about everything else of actual importance?

UPDATE: More time means more thoughtfulness, and over at American Thinker, you can see what more time does for analyzing the sorry spectacle of Imus’ headline takeover.

UPDATE II: Why am I not surprised that Michelle Malkin has also figured out that the Don Imus should be at the back of the newspaper, not on the front page, above the fold.

UPDATE III:  Apropos the cultural degradation I mentioned in Comment 10 (we shouldn’t be surprised at Imus’ disgusting behavior, nor should we be shocked), Michelle Malkin has assembled an all star lineup of the most debased examples of the type of culture that made Imus think he could get away with his insulting, racist crudities.   Given that many of the same people are now decrying Imus have applauded this “authentic” culture, I go back to my original point that I think they doth protest too much — and by doing so they exclude more important news from the American radar.