Freudian slip

James Taranto, in writing about the Pelosi/Lantos idea that the two them should begin dealing with Iran, caught John Kerry in a telling Freudian slip.  (You know those:  when your secret desires slip out in ill-chosen words.)

Meanwhile at the Puffington Host, John Kerry* defends Pelosi’s junket to Syria:

We Democrats should’ve been unapologetic last week defending Speaker Pelosi because the truth was on our side: She had a right to go. And she was right to go. The coordinated attack on her trip to Syria was as inappropriate as it was irresponsible. And when that happens to one of our leaders, we should all damn well stand up and be counted in our support, or else we hand partisan operatives on the other side a dangerous victory.

The telling phrase here is “the other side.” Which side is Kerry on? The Democrats’ against the Republicans’, it would seem, not America’s against its enemies.

It used to be said that politics ends at the water’s edge–that is, that both parties stood in solidarity against foreign foes. Many of today’s Democrats have precisely inverted the meaning of that adage. They stand against Republicans, even if that means standing in solidarity with America’s enemies.

Yeah, what Taranto said!