Happy Passover!

Tonight is the first night of Passover. I cannot say it any better than my 11 year old nephew did, so I pass on to you his thoughts:

Passover is an important holiday because it reminds us to appreciate our liberty. Liberty is not to be afraid to express oneself or to choose our own path in life. In America we have liberty, but in other lands, like Iran or Syria or North Korea, liberty is denied. Ideas can’t be freely expressed. Torture is used to repress thought. But torture can’t stop thought. It stops action.

In times like this, we must appreciate our good fortune to be living in a free land where our ideas are not suppressed and we are not afraid to act as our conscience dictates. I am blessed to live in America in freedom.

To which I add a heartfelt: I agree!

14th Century German Haggadah