These bombs were not put together in the garage *UPDATED*

Have you heard the old expression “a fine Italian hand?” It’s an old saying that applied to a situation in which you believed, at first, that you were dealing with one rather inept adversary. However, as the matter progressed, you began to realize that there was a more skilled, subtle — and invisible — player involved, manipulating things at a much more sophisticated level. That player was the “fine Italian hand.” In Iraq, it is becoming more and more apparent that Americans are facing, if not a fine, than a deadly Iranian hand. Bob Owens has more on this story with regard to a new and deadly weapon on the Iraqi battle field.

UPDATE:  Someone who has the technical expertise to know, has indicated to me that there are technical problems with the view expressed in that linked article that require us to take its conclusions with a large grain of salt.  Read it, by all means, but he suggests that we do not rely too heavily on its conclusions.