Home, sweet home!

Tomorrow (Sunday) was our official, intended return date.  It was clear by noon today, though, that all of us were vacationed out.  So, instead of a two day mozy down the coast, we engaged in a marathon day of driving and got home a couple of hours ago.

We arrived home to find the house still standing, but that wasn’t for want of trying on the ant’s part.  Although I’d been careful not to leave any food out, they nevertheless invaded my kitchen in their thousands and ten thousands.  They show no signs of leaving anytime soon.

I hate ants.  I know they’re completely harmless, but when they’re around, I constantly feel them on my skin — whether or not they are.  I guess I’m like a drunk with the DTs, feeling bugs crawling around.  Blech!

I need to take some time to re-immerse myself in home life, and in the world of politics, but hope to be back blogging (and, oh, how I’ve missed it), by tomorrow night or Monday morning at the latest.