The hunt for Sarah in Alaska

Mataharley (great name), who posts at Flopping Aces, has pulled together the procedural details of the challenges Palin faces with regard to her ex-brother-in-law, the hard drinking, hard tasering, hard threatening, hard illegal hunting Wooten.

It’s a remarkably interesting post in that it is less concerned with the substantive details of the whole Wooten thing, and more concerned with the procedural manoeuvrings going on way up north.  It looks very much as if Palin’s political enemies — and her bipartisan attacks on corruption have left her with many on the both the Left and the Right — are banding together to use process to create an October surprise.

In other words, the post isn’t about the he saids/she saids of the fight.  Instead, it spells out the ways in which Wooten’s backers (aka Palin’s political enemies) are manipulating the system to time the investigation so that it has the maximum negative effect on a national election.