Morning reads *UPDATED*

This morning’s reads contain a lot of National Review Online articles.  It just happened that way:

Rea Hederman explains how the Obama campaign attributed a false quotation to her for an ad.  I bet a lot of people watched the ad.  I wonder how many will catch the correction.

Mona Charen gives ten extremely good reason for voting for John McCain.  This is nice to read if you’re one of those people who is voting against Obama.  It will make you feel better about yourself.

Thomas Sowell explains why Obama, Powell and their followers are wrong when they want to vote for Obama because they think it will help America win some world popularity contest.

It’s been said before, but Victor Davis Hanson always says these things so well.  (Oh, and what’s been said before and what Hanson says again is that this election witnessed the end of an honest media as we know it.)

And if you don’t believe Hanson, John Perazzo has the numbers to back him up on the media bias point.

Michelle Malkin exposes (and, yes, it does need to be exposed again, and again, and again) the gross hypocrisy of those organizations such as the ACLU that purport to protect Americans from government overreach.  Apparently the mandate has shifted so that they only protect terrorists from government police investigations.  People like Joe the Plumber — and you and me — are on our own.  And if you’re a reporter, you’re sitting by yourself on the tarmac, while the others fly by in the Obama plane.

Early on, polling showed the California’s Proposition 8 — the one that wants to confine marriage to a relationship between one man and one woman — was failing.  As the election nears, that gap is closing.

The press goes hysterical when someone, anyone, who once had an R near his or her name announces that he or she is supporting Obama.  Crickets chirp, however, when some, say someone close to Obama, perhaps a speech writer, jumps off that bandwagon and heads for McCain land.  “All the news that’s fit to print” should read:  “All the news that helps our chosen candidate, Barack Hussein [but he’s not Muslim] the Messiah Obama.”

Lastly, Pierre Legrand debunks a debunker, explaining why an Obama apologist got it wrong.

UPDATE:  Speaking of Prop. 8, Okie on the Lam created this charming and interesting video:


Hat tip:  Cheat-Seeking Missiles