Weird day — very weird day — and one that has left me with questions

This has definitely not been a bad day.  It’s ranged from irritating, to neutral, to quite good — but none of it has included time at the computer.  I’m now heading off for the post-school carpool circuit, after which I treat myself to the pleasure of a neighborhood mom’s night out.  So, let me leave you with some questions I’ve been wondering about.

On Thursday, in a weird way, should we be thankful for Obama and the Democrats, because their hubris has seen them rip off the lovey-dovey mask of “we want to help you” liberalism to reveal the savage socialism, and personal corruption, hiding behind it?  Alternatively, do you think that Americans are seeing the truth too late to make a helpful difference?  Another alternative question, of course, is whether you think the average American has yet seen the truth?

Do you think the hacked emails exposing the fraud powering significant segments of the man-made global warming debate will change the debate, or do you think that, between the juggernaut of political and business momentum, not to mention true believers in the media, the information will vanish from the public view?

Do you think there will be a mistrial in the KSM trial?  I currently think the defense attorneys will do anything to avoid a mistrial.  I think they’re lusting after a full trial during which they can try the U.S. for waterboarding.  One of my conservative friends thinks exactly the same.

Do you think that, if the KSM trial goes forward, and if KSM mounts his defense by attacking American foreign policy and waterboarding, the lumpen mass of hitherto apolitical Americans will became galvanized by the trial?  And, if so, will they be more hostile to the past Bush administration or to the current Obama administration?

Do you think Joe Lieberman can derail the health care plan?  Alternative question:  do you think the Democrats in the Senate can force through some sort of a health care bill before the end of 2009?

I would love to hear your opinion on these issues.  As you can tell, they all concern things about which I blog, and that obviously interest and concern me.  Your input matters.