Monday morning Open Thread

I have been working in the service of others since 6 a.m., and that will continue until at least 3:30 p.m.  Then, a few minutes to myself, and I’m sure a pent-up weekend of blogging will overflow.  Until then, here’s an open thread.  Not that you ever need suggested topics, but here are some anyway:  Obama’s increasingly unconscionable policies towards Israel; Obama’s unsustainable policy towards Iran; the Obami’s dishonesty in informing the public about the shell game with GM; the media’s peculiar lack of venom and hysteria when it comes to the fact that Obama’s dilatory conduct is polluting the entire Gulf, a reminder that environmentalism is an issue only when a Republican occupies the White House; Lynn Redgrave, who just died, and who is a reminder of just how horrific extreme statism can be (and how the top level of acolytes glory in capitalist rewards even as they wish evil on the rest of us); and how sneeringly the Left views the rest of us.

I’ve got zillions of thoughts swirling in my head, and no time to write them down.  This is very frustrating.  I will be less frustrated if all of you write fascinating comments that enlighten, enchant and educate.