Political Animal Totems

Many American Indians (I can’t speak for all) identified animal spirit totems that helped guide the individual in life and defined who they were. Animal spirit totems also helped other individual discern qualities in individuals. Often, spirit totems were animals defined by qualities that the American Indian admired and sought to emulate, such as craftiness (coyote), power and endurance (bear) or wealth and generosity (buffalo).

So, here’s my question: what animal totems would you associate with today’s current crop of politicians?

George W. Bush always reminded me of a hawk. Sarah Palin, married to an American Indian, has openly adopted the Mama Grizzly as her totem. After watching the 2nd of her “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” series (via Comcast), I am very much convinced that President Obama’s totem is a halibut.

Does anyone else want a go?