Superb Glenn Reynolds article about the Left’s obscene leap to judgment *UPDATED*

Mr. Bookworm happily told me that Sarah Palin’s career is now over.  The fact that she ran a “cross hair” ad that referenced Giffords means that she’ll never work politics in this country again.

When I started to recite the facts (Obamas’s “enemies” and “gunfight” rhetoric; the common use of “target,” “bullseye,” and “cross hair” imagery in political talk from both sides of the aisle; and the shooter’s history of scary insanity), he told me facts were irrelevant.  It’s enough that the message is out there that Palin’s ad caused this violent act.

With that kind of Leftist thinking in mind, please, please, please read Glenn Reynold’s op-ed in the WSJ.

UPDATE (8:10 p.m. PST):  A little birdie says that Loughner actually supported Obama.  That’s no surprise.  This guy was a Leftist and a schizophrenic.  I don’t think the former had anything to do with the shooting.  I think his insanity did.  But his Leftism matters as an antidote to the lies.