It’s all about me, me, me (and the Watcher’s Council)

I’m sorry for the blog silence.  Not only am I finding headlines uninspiring (not uninteresting, just uninspiring), I really am having a fine time going through my old posts with the hope that I can assemble the best of them into an ebook.

When it comes to my writing, I’m happy with a lot of the old posts, so I know my ego is intact.  Nevertheless, honesty compels me to admit that the old posts (some going back as far as 2006) need a fair amount of editing.  Many are inappropriate for a book (too diffuse, too old, too filled with quotations from others), while others need to be tweaked to be tighter, more current, and more meaningful.

I also need to cut radically.  Even after culling my almost 7,000 posts (yes, you read that correctly) to find “possibles” for a book, I was left staring at a 300,000 word document.  Because the average book runs about 50,000 to 60,000 words, I’m trimming like mad.

I’m on the first pass now, getting rid of the obvious unpublishables, and seeing what I can do to tighten the possible publishables.  It’s time consuming but, for the first time in years, I’m engaged in work that I enjoy.  As I said, when it comes to my writing, there’s nothing wrong with my ego.

I do want to assure you, though, that I will continue to blog here.  The slight slackening off over the last couple of days really is tied to news specific ennui, and not to the fact that I’m spending my time on other things.  When the ennui passes, undoubtedly in a day or two, I will resume blogging with my usual pathological furor.

Meanwhile, if you’re lusting for things to read, let me recommend the Watcher’s Council submissions this week:

Council Submissions

Honorable Mentions

Non-Council Submissions