George and Trayvon

I don’t know what the facts are about what actually happened between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. Very few people know the facts.

What I do know is this, however: there were many in the the Liberal/Left community that passed instant judgment on Zimmerman’s guilt based upon their own prejudices. I also know that there are many among the lap-dog media that deliberately ignored and distorted evidence to frame Zimmerman’s supposed guilt. I also know that the judicial dye was cast by the most powerful political and legal forces in the country, going all the way up to the Attorney General and President of the United States. In addition, militant groups like the Black Panthers could with legal impunity issue death threats, offer bounties and broadcast the address of Zimmerman’s family (or so they thought) for the purpose of violent retribution. Now we hear that the Florida State Attorney has decided to throw out a grand jury assessment and turn the trial into a political circus.

So, here’s my question: will we witness a trial…or a lynching?