Is Obama’s Fast & Furious executive privilege claim a tipping point?

It seems to me Obama erred badly.  Very badly.

As long as Obama kept out of the Fast & Furious issue, the MSM also ignored it.  By interjecting himself in the matter, and by doing so in a way that shows either that his administration is stupid, that it was involved in a past cover-up, or that it is now covering up something too terrible to reveal, he’s made himself a front page story, with nice Nixonian overtones.

Put another way, there is no good spin to put on the meaning behind his executive order.  The only conclusions that one can possibly draw reflect badly on the President’s intelligence or his honor.  Democrats understand that because, as best as I can tell, rather than defending the President, they’re simply attacking Congress and any high-profile Republicans they can think of.  I’m unaware of any substantive defense of either the President’s or Holder’s conduct.

In a way, Democrats are wise to use this tried and true smear approach.  Think back to the Clarence Thomas hearings.  Although he was ultimately confirmed, they besmirched him so thoroughly that the thought of a Supreme Court vetting doubtless daunted many otherwise good jurists.  And of course, the attack on Thomas, one that sought to destroy him personally, as opposed to examining his professional qualifications, was just a continuation of Ted Kennedy’s appalling, and baseless, challenge to Judge Robert Bork.

Democrats don’t mind getting their hands dirty by smearing people in indefensible ways.

The problem for the Dems this time around is (a) that there are documents implicating Holder; (b) that Holder provably lied; and (c) that an alternative media exists, preventing the MSM from controlling public discourse.  The tried-and-true tactic won’t work this time.

That’s why I think we’re at a tipping point here.  Obama parachuted himself right into a large field filled with horse pucky.  He cannot move in any direction without getting himself mired even deeper in the stuff.