Thursday mixed bag

I’ve been busy today hunting down paying work, which accounts for my low blog production today.  Here are a few things for you, though.

On the subject of the oxymoronic “liberal tolerance,” I’ve got a three-fer for you:

  1. The Anchoress talks about Democrats’ fear that innocuous gifts might contaminate them.
  2. Hot Air sends us to a video about liberal intolerance so extreme that even The Daily Show figured it out.
  3. And Ace of Spades talks about the Progressive inability to see that “choice” shouldn’t be limited to abortions.

And apropos Bill Clinton’s speech:

  1. The Watcher’s Council’s own JoshuaPundit has a wonderful post up at American Thinker about Bill Clinton’s . . . um . . . imaginative speech, one that fired the base, but should cause other Americans to shake their heads in despair.
  2. And last, if you hear someone lauding that same speech, here are a few comebacks you can use.  (H/t:  Lulu)

If you’ve got anything else to add, go for it!