Month: February 2013

Kerry says we have the “right to be stupid” and then proves his intellectual “disconnect” in the very next sentence.

You’ve already heard about Kerry’s imaginary country, so I won’t work that one to death.  You’ve also heard that Kerry said (correctly) that Americans have the right to be stupid.  But did you catch what he said immediately after that? ‘In America, you have a right to be stupid, if

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There’s something either unpleasant or fishy about Michelle’s setting for delivering the Best Picture Oscar *UPDATED*

[UPDATE:  Okay, I knew my theory was way too wacky to be true, although I had fun writing it up.  Although the White House didn’t list it on the official schedule (because Thomas Lifson checked), I should have remembered that the Obama’s were hosting the annual Governor’s dinner — the

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Dan Bongino’s understandably viral, off-the-cuff, pro-Second Amendment speech

It’s a pleasure when someone can encapsulate complex and important ideas in a short, accessible speech.  Dan Bongino, whom Maryland voters rejected as a Senatorial candidate last fall, came back roaring in January to speak about our un-infringable right to bear arms: I especially appreciate his opening point:  It’s not

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