“D” is for Demagogue

We know that Alinsky-inspired Lefty Democrat rhetoric is designed to smack down opponents and dominate discussion. These are rhetorical tools that were perfected by Communists and Nazis during the 1920s and 1930s. But, it can’t be denied that these tactics work! We need counter tactics.

It is embarrassing to see Republicans, conservatives and libertarians get all flustered, squishy and defensive when Libs hit them with the “racist”, “sexist” or “homophobe” retort. Well, there is a tactic in negotiation called “calling the gambit”. That is, shine light and expose what is going on by calling the tactic out. We need to be much, much better at this. This is why Iowahawk’s Twitter retort to the Trayvon Martin lynching frenzy was so pitch perfect:

“Of all the young black shooting victims in this country, you can name 1. Because you’ve been trained like a circus seal to bark on command”


I have some of my own:

Re. “ists”: Call me a racist, homophobe or sexist for my views, I will retort that “no, I am not that, but you (Sir, Ms or Madame) are a demagogue, so there is no point in my talking to you.”

Re. Pro-Life: “I oppose the killing of babies and old people, so you and I will just have to disagree”.

Re. Climate Change: “why don’t you get back to me if and when you get a clue as to how it works?”

Re. Trayvon Martin: “What is it about you Democrats’ historical infatuation with lynch mobs?”

Does anyone have others to offer?