Super quick round-up about Israel

Israeli flagI’m heading out in a minute to have lunch with one of my more wonderful conservative friends in Marin (it’s wonderful that she’s conservative, and she’s just a great, thoughtful person), so I’ll be brief, and try to funnel as much info to you as possible in a small amount of time.

I linked yesterday to an old American Thinker article I wrote about “economically flexible morality” in connection with Richard Fernandez’s article that rich countries are considered evil because they’re rich, rather than because of anything they do. In my American Thinker article, I’d commented that, to the Left, poor people are considered moral because they’re poor, regardless of what they do. In the same article, I touched upon the reflexive “underdog” syndrome that afflicts the Left: if one side to a fight is smaller than the other side, they automatically side with the smaller side. They never stop to look at the values driving the two sides. After all, back in 1923, with the Munich Beer Hall putsch, Hitler’s was the smaller side. Did that make him the good guy? (Incidentally, if you try pulling this logic on a DemProg, he or she will look at you as if you’re insane.)

I mention this old article, because the putrid excrescence on the Comedy Channel known as Jon Stewart did a shtick implying that Israel is a mean bully because it’s firing into Gaza. I went ballistic about this in exactly the same way Mark Levin did, although my audience was only my DemProg spouse, who couldn’t understand why I was upset. After all, it is unfair that the Israelis are giving those poor Palestinians only 3 minutes warning to vacate a specifically targeted building. He was shocked to learn that the Gazans are sending rockets into Israel about every 6 minutes, aimed at densely populated areas, with no warning at all:

Israel warns Gaza

He also didn’t understand that, when Israel sends a warning, it’s enough for the Palestinian civilians to leave the building that Hamas is using as a launch site. If they run into the streets, they’ll survive. This is what happens if you read and listen to the MSM. You know nothing.

What both Stewart and Mr. Bookworm, obsessed as they are with who has the bigger guns, ignore entirely is that Hamas is utterly evil, while Israel is one of the world’s more decent and prosperous nations. John Podhoretz explains.  Also, Alma Geifman explains that Hamas deliberately targets Israel’s children as a war strategy intended to destroy what their enemy holds most dear.  In other words, those bombs aimed at schools, the buses hijacked, the children murdered — it’s not accident.

One wishes the Department of Homeland Security would understand the difference too.  It doesn’t, though, opening the door to the worst kind of people having an input into our burgeoning, all-too-powerful, biased federal bureaucracy:

Mohamed Alibiary

If this was misspoken (if he really meant to talk about missiles against Gaza), it nevertheless is a perfect Freudian slip, insofar as it inadvertently reveals the truth:

Missiles aimed against Israel

Playing the long game, Left is working to convert evangelical youth to antisemitism.

And the last word to Dennis Prager, on the Jewish State in a Morally Sick World.