Our own Danny Lemieux is at American Thinker!

Talking past each otherA couple of weeks ago, Danny Lemieux wrote a post here about the moral crisis Americans face.  Several of you wrote to me suggesting that Danny expand upon that post and turn it into a full-page article for one of the big sites.  Danny did just that.  You can find his post — Our Defining Moral Crisis — at American Thinker.  I often boast that, although I have a fairly small readership, the quality of my readers is so high that size truly doesn’t matter.  Danny has reaffirmed the accuracy about my belief in all of you.

Here’s the beginning of Danny’s AT article:

One of the fundamental problems in our society is that we argue with one another from positions of moral parochialism: we assume that the other party shares our frames of reference. That may have been true in the earlier years of our nation, but I propose that this is no longer the case. Today, we argue from different and fundamentally incompatible moral codes and value systems. It is the dichotomy between the two that confuses our discourse and creates great dangers for our country.

Many political and social arguments today seek to accommodate two fundamentally incompatible and opposite moral codes: a Judeo-Christian code and a Marxist-Progressive (“MarxProg”) code. When we on the Judeo-Christian side of the equation appeal to terms such as “good,” “evil,” “right,” and “wrong,” we usually fail to realize that they mean entirely different things in the MarxProgs’ lexicon.

Unfortunately, the MarxProg code has been ascendant in the U.S. since at least the late 19th Century (even among conservatives), whereas the Judeo-Christian code has been in steady decline. Most people today struggle to understand the world when it’s filtered through the competing perspectives of these two value systems: hence, the confusion. If we want to progress with our ideas, we need to better understand the “why” of this divide.

The Judeo-Christian code, buttressed by deep roots into Ancient Greek moral philosophy, is an ethos that emphasizes each person’s singular worth and his accountability to a higher authority (God). This person-centered moral code views individuals as agents of their own destiny with the capacity and responsibility to choose between right and wrong and to suffer consequences for their actions. Even when some people do not accept this ethos, it still defines much of our national character. For now, anyway, most of us still elevate and extol the individual, not the group.

The MarxProg code, which took form in the 1700s with the writings of Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, rejects Judeo-Christian definitions of “good” and “evil,” “right” and “wrong,” “virtue” and “character”: in the MarxProg world view, such terms are largely meaningless. Instead, their moral code breaks down as follows:

Read the rest here.  Since Danny expanded it, it’s even better than the post you first read.  There are already 60 comments, and a quick scan indicates that they’re pretty darn positive.