The Bookworm Beat (10/06/14) — The blah blah blah hmmm hmmm hmmm edition

Woman writingI was trying to think about posting today, and instead thought of two songs that really sum up how I feel about the news. After you listen to a little of each (or all of both, if you like), you’ll understand my post, which is that it’s all blah blah blah, hmmm hummm hummm same old same old.

Blah blah blah blah ebola.

Hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm immigration and disease.

Tra la la la racism and ebola.

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la, blah blah blah blah great sexist political campaign ad.

Boom-da-da-boom, hey nonny non gay marriage and the Supremes.

Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm blah Obama caused ISIS blah.

Feh feh feh ta-dum, ISIS is not on the run.

Tiddly um pom pom, tiddly um pom pom being a retired public university professor really pays off.

Blah blah blah blah Sharyl Attkisson the last journalist?

Shoo bob doo waddy, yippity I really don’t like Naomi Wolf and never did.

Chang chang changity–chang chu bop have students had enough of Obama?

La-di la-di la-di dah this is what happens at Marin’s most prestigious private school.

The end.

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