The Bookworm Beat (11/5/2014) — The illustrated edition (and Open Thread)

Just because Republicans took Congress doesn’t mean pressing issues have disappeared.  These illustrated posts are always a good short-cut way to remind people what issues need to remain on the front burner:

If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes Palestine

More legal guns less crime

Modern good Samaritan and Obamacare

Hitler takes guns from people to save children

Compromise - Republicans should raise taxes on registered Democrats

Does anyone have the balls to stop Obama

Illegal aliens do the job Americans won't do - vote Democrat

John Hawkins would permanently limit civil rights for illegal aliens

Free speech for everyone but conservatives, Christians, and Republicans

Obama says don't repeal Obamacare but do repeal Second Amendment

We use guns to defend everything valuable except our children

Mock school sign about gun-packing teachers

Forrest cartoon

Choose one America pajama boy or Phil Robertson

Obama can run but he can't hide