The Bookworm Beat 1-31-15 — the illustrated edition and Open Thread

Ever so slowly, I’m getting my mojo back. As I do, here are some pictures (with the usual boundless thanks to Caped Crusader):

Hitler and Hillary both devalue the individual

(And no, I’m not calling Hillary either a Nazi or saying she’s Hitler by printing the above illustration. It simply points out that whether you’re a smiley-faced socialist or a genocidal one, the focus is always on the state, not the individual.)

Barack Obama on Wheel of Fortune

Blacks are slaves in Islamic countries

I hope they both lose

Firearms are the ultimate feminine protection

George Orwell on jokes

soft rock from the 70s to fight barbarism

Women's clothes match, but not their babies and the daddies

George III we can tax them for not buying tea

Israel and Bibi are not alone

Americans more concerned about football inflation than economic inflation

The reason bad things happen might be your choices

US army rescues ISIS sex slaves

Thomas Sowell on diversity

PC media runs from free speech

Christians sharia liberals racism

conservative women

zero days without an islamic terrorist plot

Describing Islam

liberals plumbing leaks