The Bookworm Beat 3-26-2015 — the illustrated edition and open thread

The last big legal work push comes today and then, tomorrow, life begins anew — or at least I hope so.  Until then, Caped Crusader has come through with another astonishingly good collection of political posters:

Israel Spying Obama Congress

Obama Kerry Iran

Correct spelling husky

Children Israel ISIS Hamas

Reagan atheists

Liberals DOJ racism

Obama Mandatory Voting Voter ID

Johnson LBJ Great Society Blacks Single Mothers

Liberals killed black family Sowell

Obama Global Warming Terrorism

Krauthammer Obama Netanyahu Putin Iran

Scott Lively Dan Savage LGBT hate

Frank Fleming Left Doing things at Gun point

David Bruge Obama Mandatory voting missed votes in Senate

Two State Solution Palestinians Arabs don't want it

Work hard no welfare right wing extremist

Same people who decry rape culture refuse guns on campus

Anti-authoritarian types want government control

Obama CIA

Who really lies Democrats or Republicans

Honest truths about guns

Rand Paul Obama cannot un-write Congress sanctions against Iran

Detroit Chicago Democrats hate poor peopel