I’m actually working open thread

judges-gavelI have a very old and dear client who occasionally calls me in when he’s buried and none of his regular attorneys can help him out. If I can, I always say “yes.”

That client called me in for help last Wednesdays, and I’ve been working without pause since then to help him put to bed a writ petition to the Court of Appeal.  I’ll be working on this massive document through Wednesday. That’s why blogging was nonexistent today and will be light for the first half of the week. I simply don’t have enough hours in the day to meet the legal deadline and still get meaningful blogging done.

Please feel free to use this open thread when I can’t get blogging done.  Also, do check in, because I’m hoping I can inveigle my friend Wolf Howling into putting up a post or two. He always has something worthwhile to say.