Things to read at the Watcher’s Council’s new magazine: WOW!

WOW LogoThe past few days haven’t lent themselves to my blogging, but at the Watcher’s Council’s new online magazine, WOW!, there is so much to check out. Here’s just a small sampling of articles:

WoW! Magazine Forum: Should Online Pornography Be Regulated or Banned Outright?

Academics vs. Athletics

When Ingrid Bergman Rebelled Against Ingrid Bergman

Live Nude Shakespeare!

Idiots on display

Hillary Clinton, taking corruption to new lows

Feminism is not pro-woman, it is pro Leftism

Hillary vs. The FBI

Chairman Barack

Please take the time to check all these articles and more out at the new WOW site. If you liked our stuff before, how much better is it to find all the links consolidated at a single online ‘zine?