Bookworm Beat 3/8/18 — the best of Twitter edition and open thread

My Twitter feed has been fascinating today, which is a good thing because calls from old and dear friends precluded blogging. Here’s the best of my Twitter.

Twitter LogoWhen my mother died, I inherited both her and my Dad’s old friends (and I do mean “old”; one of them is now 98, having met my Dad in 1935). They are people who are dear to me and it seems to be mutual. If I don’t reach out to them in a timely fashion, they call me.

Today, I called a few old friends and those I hadn’t yet called coincidentally called me. I also got calls from my own friends, which is always nice. It’s therefore been a lovely day (a little sad, too, as one old friend recently had a stroke), but I got absolutely nothing done other than those phone calls. I’ve therefore had almost no time to read and, since I have to pick someone up from the airport soon, I’ll have no time to write anything.

I thought, therefore, that I’d share with you the best of my Twitter feed. (Yes, I do pay attention to Twitter.) These are in no particular order, but they do represent the fascinating mix of things that enliven the home page in my browser.

The next is from a conservative Parkland survivor whom the media assiduously ignores:

I sincerely hope the following is true:

You know the saying about water finding its level? I think Obama has finally come home:

Sean Spicier (the parody account), effortlessly sums up the wacky greatness that is the Trump Superhero Presidency:

I think you can see how it is that — provided that you follow interesting people — Twitter can quickly become addictive.

I’m having lunch with my 98 year old friend tomorrow, but I do think I’ll have time to blog. There’s certainly a lot to blog about. Today, I’ll just give thanks for our amazing president Trump.


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