Tag: Do You Hear The People Sing

Bookworm Beat Obama Brennan double standards insane leftists impeachment

The Bookworm Beat 9/19/16 — the “we’re still singing” edition and open thread

The miserable sexism of Hillary’s supporters. I’ve agreed with myself to disagree with Jonah Goldberg about Donald Trump, while still greatly respecting and deeply appreciating Goldberg’s take on just about everything else. In the wake of Hillary’s 9/11 collapse, followed by her dehydration, followed by the media castigating as sexist

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Bookworm Beat Obama Brennan double standards insane leftists impeachment

The Bookworm Beat 9/18/16 — the “people are singing” edition and open thread

The strong symbolism behind Trump’s Les Deplorables appearance. Back in the mid- to late-ish 1980s, I saw the San Francisco premiere of Les Misérables. I am sorry to report that it was entirely wasted on me. I’d never read Hugo’s book (still haven’t) and I’d actually never even heard of

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