Tag: Hillary Clinton

Bookworm Beat Honduran Invasion Ukraine

Bookworm Beat 10/22/18 — the Honduran invasion edition and open thread

This Bookworm Beat is about more than the slo-mo Honduran invasion, but that figures largely here, hence the post’s title. A round-up of ideas and information about the Honduran invasion. When thousands of military age men threaten to storm your border, there’s only one proper description: “an invasion.” All that

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Rape Pulp Magazine covers

Rape Accusations, Leftists, Blurred Lines, and poor Brett Kavanaugh

Once Orwellian Leftists got their hands on it, “rape” as traditionally understood became a malleable concept to be used to destroy political enemies. Item: Former Vice President Joe “Creepy Touch” Biden, when announcing that the Obama White House was creating a task force to address campus rape, stated “One in

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Screenshot of John Pavlovitz home page

John Pavlovitz shows that Leftist arguments are fact-free and hate-filled

John Pavlovitz is a hugely popular Progressive preacher. He also exemplifies everything that’s wrong with how Progressives approach Trump’s presidency. Have you ever heard of John Pavlovitz? Right. I hadn’t heard of him either. Still, thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can quickly learn about him. According to

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Indictments Robert Mueller

Mueller’s First Indictments – Some Answers and Some Predictable Media Spin

The Mueller indictments show that no American conspired with the Russians — and that the Russians successfully acted to “sow discord” in the U.S. political system. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TrEF1CLvow] After suffering through a year of hysteria and the disruption of our national politics by our neo-Marxist progs trying to undo the election,

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