Progressives and their poopy mouths
Years ago, when I first became aware of the blogosphere, I noticed a single huge dividing line between Progressive and conservative political writers: the former have dirty mouths. Their blogs are filled with references to human waste and human sexual acts, all spelled out in the crudest terms. Interestingly enough, I see that at home too, although it may just be the difference between boys and girls. I, a conservative, never swear (except when some idiot driver almost t-bones me), whereas my husband, a liberal, swears with increasing fervor as he ages.
Now, for the first time, in San Francisco, swearing has become the official public policy for at least one Progressive stupidvisor. This would be the execrable Chris Daly, who has announced that, henceforth, he will make sure to drop the F-bomb at every single Stupidvisor meeting in 2010. The really sad thing is that, on the list of political transgressions Daly routinely commits, this is probably the least harmful. It may offend the refined, but it won’t have an actual impact on poor, battered San Francisco.