The difference between a Sharia state and a Christian state
The Daily Mail created a lovely matched set, showing side-by-side stories that perfectly illustrate the difference between life in a 21st century Sharia state and life in a 21st century Christian state:
Life in a Sharia state: “We, the state, are going to kill gays.”
Life in a Christian state: “I’d like to warn you (admittedly quite rudely) that, in the afterlife God is going to have problems with gays.”
If you’re gay, neither is very nice, but one is insulting, while the other is deadly. Those who live within a minority community, whether because of race, religion, sexual orientation, etc., might want to think long and hard about whether they want to promote a culture that kills those it dislikes or a culture some of whose members yell at them. I mention this because the Leftist collective backs the first type of culture; while the much-reviled Western conservatives support the second.
(P.S. For those wondering why the Daily Mail is the most popular news website in the world, it might have something to do with the fact that it identifies Ihjaz Ali, Kabir Ahmed, and Razwan Javed as “muslim fanatics.” The American press would have wondered why these three men, who just coincidentally happen to have non-American names, suddenly turned against gays — and then would have posited, loudly and often, that Sarah Palin published an ad or made a speech using coded language that triggered this mass homophobia.)