Another conservative information clearinghouse
Yesterday, I directed your attention to Ritely, which aims to be the conservative answer to Reddit. Ritely is easy to use: posting articles takes seconds and it’s got a clear format for finding other people’s posted articles. Today, I get to tell you about Helen’s Page, a conservative information clearinghouse that Glenn Reynold’s wife started. It too has an easy interface and straightforward format.
I strongly urge you to check out and use these two sites. Right now, conservatives rely heavily on sites that are owned by very Leftist companies (e.g., Facebook, Google, Twitter, Blogger, YouTube, etc.). Most of the time, we don’t think about it, but the fact remains that these are privately run sites and they can — and do — censor at will. Not surprisingly, their censorship trends to silencing the right, as Gates of Vienna recently discovered. My email is rich with stories from fellow bloggers telling about being banned from Facebook or Twitter.
I’m planning on using both Ritely and Helen’s Page regularly. I like the way they’re set up, I like the audience they reach, and I like the fact that they’re not going to censor me just because I’m a conservative.
Incidentally, this kind of networking — sharing both ideas and practical information — is precisely what conservatives need to do if they are serious about remaining politically viable.