An embarassment of riches; or links to all over
There’s so much good stuff out there, I’m just going to spill it all here, a la Instapundit.
Jonathan Tobin doubts that Obama’s upcoming three-week long “Sham-Wow” commercial for ObamaCare will miraculously turn around the public’s perception that the program is a failure and the president a liar.
The success of the president’s snake-oil show is especially doubtful given that the narcissists in the White House are now blaming the public for the website’s manifest failings.
Oh, and Obama junket will also have dubious success because news is leaking out that the Obamacare site is a hacker’s wet dream.
Right now, it looks as if Obama has finally been unable to fool all of the people all of the time, at least when it comes to Obamacare.
After Chief Justice Roberts resuscitated Obamacare, I find it hard to imagine the courts dismantling that monstrosity. Still, it’s possible.
For people who want to see the inevitable graveyard of Obama’s anti-capitalist, anti-freedom, redistributionist policies, they need look no further than Venezuela, where the country has gone from stable to basket-case in a decade.
If you want to renew your driver’s license in Oregon, you’d better come in prepared with every bit of proof known to man showing that you are who you say you are. Interestingly, though, you don’t need to show any ID to vote in Oregon. Just sayin’.
I was reading Glenn Reynold’s article explaining why we should abolish the TSA, and I was nodding so hard in agreement, I looked like one of those bobble-head dolls in someone’s car.
I could dig up the zillions of posts I’ve done about the way in which the welfare state destroyed the black community because it was rational for blacks to put forth less effort. I won’t though. Thomas Sowell makes the same point, only he does so brilliantly in his article about test scores.
When you’re George Bush and increase AIDS aid to Africa, you’re reviled; when you’re Hillary Clinton and you decrease AIDS aid to Africa, you get a reward from the AIDS Foundation. It’s not what you do, it’s whether there’s an “R” or a “D” after your name.
Regarding Iran, here’s the good news: Obama’s an idiot, but the Iranians aren’t necessarily that smart (although, so far, their madman chess is a lot more successful than Obama’s amateur basketball).
On Passover, Jews the world ask “Why is this night different from all other nights?” When it comes to Islam, if you still find yourself “Why is this religion different from all other religions?”, you’re not asking that because you’re engaging in a timeless religious ritual. Instead, if you still have to ask that question you, like our President, are an idiot. Islam is indeed different from all other religions and that difference lies in the fact that it’s utterly barbaric as written and as practiced.
No, Obama is not Hitler. (He’s more Neville Chamberlain, with a large dollop of the Hugo Chavez school of economics.) Nevertheless, the Dems couldn’t have been more tin-eared when they came up with “White House Youth” or WHYouth (to which I either want to answer, Why not? or I want to do an endless bullet-point list explaining why you’re not getting good public policy if you look to young people as your guide).
I’m sure there’s someone in the British government who could be dragged to a microphone to say, “Hey, some of my best friends are Jews.” Nah! Not really. Because there’s no one left in Britain who could say that with a straight face, why Britain was able to ban Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller from entering England in part on the ground that they were pro-Israel.
Is it the Onion or is it just an ordinary Progressive news report about businesses in America?
And finally, if you’re a veteran and you can’t get a gun, Dom Raso has some helpful practical advice.