The Bookworm Beat 10-2-15 — the illustrated edition and open thread
Today, I have posters from both sides of the aisle. I’ll start with the conservative batch, none of which need comment, because all are self-explanatory:
And now, some posters from the other half, with my comments regarding their stupidity, overreach, or scariness:
I always used to scoff, back in the 1980s and 1990s, when I heard conservatives worry about “one world government.” Now I get what they were then and are now worried about.
You know you don’t have much of a case when Ozzy Osbourne is your spokesman. Let’s repeat here: Guns are just tools. It’s how people use them that matters. Just the way cars and buses, which are extremely deadly (and used in war zones) are also tools.
Have you noticed that, despite only a few random headlines over the past few years, with the media assiduously ignoring all shootings in gun-controlled ghettos, we’re now inundated with posters saying that every shooting involving more than one person is a mass shooting? I don’t even have to dig down into those charts to know they’re lies. If they weren’t, the headlines every single day would be screaming about multiple deaths.
This is so completely stupid I don’t even know where to begin. Since I have to get back to preparing dinner, may I ask you guys to pick up where I left off and Fisk this last nonsensical poster for me?