An open letter to the angry Left re Donald Trump’s victory

trump-campaign-videoIn the wake of Trump’s and the Republicans’ spectacular victory, I opened my Facebook page this morning to the spectacle of the majority of my friends gnashing their teeth, wailing, and rending their garments. They did not — because they could not — claim a stolen election. Instead, without exception, they castigated Americans as racist, sexist, homophobic people, electing the KKK candidate.

I’m boarding a plane in an hour, so I don’t have the ability to respond to all of them. If I did, though, this is what I’d say:

The media on which you relied, the one that promised a Hillary victory, was resoundingly wrong. It turns out that, when the media ceases to report and begins to advocate, it loses the objectivity that would allow it to interpret information correctly. Same goes for the polls the media commissioned and the majority Democrat pollsters who carried out the polls.

Given how wrong the media was about this, isn’t it time that you begin to wonder if the media was wrong about other things?

Maybe Trump and his supporters aren’t racists. Maybe in a sane world, there’s nothing morally wrong in expecting the federal government to follow and enforce its own laws, the ones already on the books. After all, if “we, the People” have to follow the laws, shouldn’t our representative government do the same?

And while I know that you think we’re instantly reverting to some Stone Age, your media has hidden from you the fact that the laws people want to see enforced regarding immigration and terrorism are laws that Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter supported. How bad can they be?

You also let your media convince you that it’s wrong to want to protect ourselves against people who take a sick delight in killing as many civilians as they can in the most brutal ways possible. According to the media, we stigmatize the innocent when we call out the guilty. According to real people, we protect the innocent, including Muslims who embrace American exceptionalism, by identifying, isolating, and disarming the Islamic terrorists among us — or, even better, keeping them from ever coming among us.

Your media has hidden that, in America, the people who probably make the most difference to black lives mattering are the police, who struggle to keep blacks from preying on each other in their Democrat ghettos. Blacks are figuring that out for themselves, which must frightening you something awful.

The media you love convinced you — the self-styled “reality based community” — to invest yourself in anthropogenic climate change based on scientifically discredited theories. You lived in a fantasy world and are now shocked that people losing jobs and going broke because of bad science are striking back.

Incidentally, that North Dakota pipeline that you hate so much will benefit the 99% by lowering energy costs, something that always benefits the poor. Limousine liberals love paying lip service to the poor but they’ll always chose false science over real benefits.

Your media hid from you what an utterly appalling candidate Hillary was. On the Right, we acknowledged that Trump is not an exemplary human being, and we made our peace with that because he promised to tackle serious issues such as border control, terrorism, and the economy in ways consistent with American law and values.

Meanwhile, your media was composing Hillary hagiographies. You never squared up to the fact that she was morally and personally a disaster. Moreover, you’re incredibly shocked to discover that, to a lot of Americans, those things still matter. They’re willing to accept flaws, not rank dishonesty and corruption.

Lastly, your media convinced you that obscene, violent, scatalogical, and threatening vituperation is innocent of malice when it comes from you — so you convinced yourself that your side is the nice caring side. It’s not. If my Facebook page is anything to go by, you all are truly awful people.

I’ve got a plane to catch, so I’m going to have to wrap up here. Let’s just say that your hysteria is unseemly and predicated on nothing more solid than the crap mountain your media has fed you for eight years.