Category: Police

Tyre Nichols, Race Baiting & The War on Police (Update II)

The death of Tyre Nichols was horrid and unnecessary, but racial and anti-police politics, not justice, appear to be front and center in this case. Tyre Nichols’ death was likely caused by a single rogue officer who used excessive force. Part of the problem is societal — why do so

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What Can Be Done About Soros-Funded Prosecutors?

Conservatives need to embrace lawfare and bring suit against radical prosecutors, most of whom are funded by George Soros and are de facto rewriting the laws of their state. Prosecutors and other officials funded by George Soros are ignoring the laws of their state to impose their brand of social

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Leftists conservatives keep your eyes on the ball

When arguing with Leftists, conservatives must keep their eyes on the ball

Leftists have a habit of distracting conservatives with irrelevant arguments that obscure the fact that, on the important issues, conservatives should win. It’s happened to all of us. We approach someone with a legitimate grievance — say, for example, reminding someone that he promised not to drink directly from the

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Movie Review: Death Wish

“Death Wish” (2018) by The Closet Conservative Is this a movie that has Liberals squirming in their seats? Absolutely… A movie that is a Conservatives wet dream? Perhaps… A movie that will live in your minds as an all-time classic? Doubtful… A movie that will make you smile, laugh uncomfortably,

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“60 Minutes” completely mangles its report on Terence Crutcher

Getting news from 60 Minutes is like getting news from the village idiot, as shown by its ludicrous segment on Terence Crutcher. Last night, 60 Minutes devoted two segments to the Terence Crutcher shooting. As you may recall, in September 2016, Betty Shelby, a police officer in Tulsa, came upon

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Paper on spindle

The Bookworm Beat 3/15/17 — clearing the spindle, part deux, and open thread

I’ve cleared my spindle and the articles I linked are a feast for the hungry mind — the Middle East, climate change, policing, gender, Obamacare, and more. There’s land if the Palestinians want it. Did you know that President al-Sisi in Egypt has offered the Palestinians a state that would

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The Bookworm Beat 10/21/16 — the “politics as usual” edition and open thread

The American media suddenly discovers antisemitism in America. You know it’s not a coincidence when several mainstream media outlets that every non-conservative Jew reads suddenly announce that Donald Trump’s supporters are crazed antisemites. These are, of course, the same media outlets that have been silent for years about the antisemitism at

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