Bank of America: Promotes 2 lesbians culturally appropriating an Asian girl
Bank of America was trying to be woke, but its poster looks an awful lot like cultural appropriation — with an entire Asian child getting appropriated.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
Bank of America was trying to be woke, but its poster looks an awful lot like cultural appropriation — with an entire Asian child getting appropriated.
Continue readingAlthough academia has been seeding American Leftism for 70 years, Trump, despite his many foibles, is the weapon that will destroy that system. This is going to be a slightly more discursive post than usual, simply because I’m trying to tie together three disparate thoughts. Thought One is how we
Continue readingBlack Progressives who decry cultural appropriation might want to remember that a white woman’s empathetic rendering of slavery helped spark the Civil War. The Los Angeles Review of Books published an anguished rumination from Arthur Krystal (a white, Jewish guy), wondering if cultural appropriation ever has merit or if it
Continue readingTeen Vogue turns against Israel with a gauzy, one-sided view of Palestinians. This sewage-like flow of Leftist ideology traces back to American academia. For those naive enough to think that Teen Vogue is a fashion magazine, please disabuse yourself of that notion as quickly as possible. It is, in fact,
Continue readingEven #NeverTrumpers have to concede that Trump is the one who looked down upon the culture wars, built a barricade, and loudly stood atop it hollering “Stop!” at the top of his lungs. With Trump in the White House, political correctness and all its attendant evils might no longer be
Continue readingAt most blogs, Saturday can be a bit slow. Not so for the new Watcher’s Council site — WOW! Magazine — where the group dynamics of Watcher’s Council members and their friends means that there’s always something new and interesting to read: [AUDIO] A dramatic reading of a rebuttal to
Continue readingA new thing called cultural appropriation is suddenly in the news lately. Just yesterday, designer Marc Jacobs was in the news because the Social Justice Warriors were appalled that his runway models — mostly white — wore fake, multi-colored dreadlocks. (SJW’s have a real problem with white people wearing dreads.) That
Continue readingNo wonder 1984 is no longer required reading in high schools. One of the Little Bookworms, after a summer of sloth, decided to read something noteworthy before returning to school. Her choice was George Orwell’s 1984, which I would include in any top 25 or even top 10 reading list.
Continue readingOnce multiculturalism started losing its kick, cultural appropriation became the latest version of the Left’s endless assault on free speech, freedom of association, and free thought. It’s also part of the Left’s ongoing effort to Balkanize and destroy America. Bill Whittle treats it with the contempt it deserves:
Continue readingAs this election year’s craziness continues, I keep trying to keep myself from getting upset. My mantra is that I should save my energies for things I can change, either directly or through my own small contributions. For everything else, I need to relax and watch the passing spectacle. That’s
Continue readingThe horrible thing about Leftism . . . okay, let me rephrase that: One of the many horrible things about Leftism is that it trains its adherents to look at the world through dirt-colored glasses. Everything that is good and beautiful and charming is perceived as dark, depressing, and awful.
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