Tag: John McCain

Bookworm Beat Benghazi Leftists Social Media

Bookworm Beat 9/1/2018: the “things we see on Saturdays” edition

This is a hodge-podge about debased funerals, corrupt investigations, stupid Leftists, Hollywood hate, and other stuff to amuse and dismay the reader. Regarding the obsequies for McCain, it’s clear that the Wellstone funeral was a warm-up. I’d like to think that ordinary Americans, rather than being moved politically by demagoguery

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Trump Supporters Racist Donald Trump Diamond and Silk Nationalist's Delusions

Adam Serwer’s “nationalist’s delusions” explained . . . by Adam Serwer

Adam Serwer, who penned “Nationalist’s Delusions,” an article smearing Trump supporters as racists returns; I fisked him then and I’m fisking him again. Roughly three weeks ago, The Atlantic published what is pretty common fare for that magazine nowadays — a fact-free, logic-free riff posing as an intellectual attack on

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Woman reading interesting news

A cursory look at some of the day’s most interesting news

Every day lately brings some interesting news. This post sums up a few of the top stories, along with my opinions about why they matter. I’m watching, fascinated, as events unfold in Saudi Arabia. I suspect Trump has a hand in it and I certainly hope the Crown Prince’s modernization push goes

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Russia Collusion Hillary Putin bribes reveal Trump Derangement Syndrome

Two reports yesterday highlight Trump Derangement Syndrome

A snapshot of Trump Derangement Syndrome: the different responses to reports about Trump’s alleged insensitivity versus Hillary’s selling America to Russia. Yesterday’s news broke two stories, one detailing massive national security infractions involving Russians during the Obama administration and one reporting the claim that Trump was insensitive to the widow

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Conservatives to media re Trump: “Publish and be damned”

Field Marshall Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, was politician who successfully took to the field to defeat Napoleon and then resumed his political career, eventually rising to become Prime Minister. Given his alpha male status, and the rather loose morals amongst the aristocracy in the early 19th century, Wellington was consistently unfaithful to

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