Tag: Rod Rosenstein

RussiaGate Coup

Probable Cause And A Coup — RussiaGate Facts Tell A Story

With Bruce Ohr’s 302’s and Kathleen Kavalec’s memo available, the full picture of the agency machinations behind RussiaGate looks just like a coup. If the FBI and DOJ undertook the Trump Russia collusion investigation without probable cause, then the question becomes whether it was a coup by the government with

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Indictments Robert Mueller

Mueller’s First Indictments – Some Answers and Some Predictable Media Spin

The Mueller indictments show that no American conspired with the Russians — and that the Russians successfully acted to “sow discord” in the U.S. political system. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TrEF1CLvow] After suffering through a year of hysteria and the disruption of our national politics by our neo-Marxist progs trying to undo the election,

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Russia collusion like a bad spy novel

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Trump: the Russia collusion story needs to end soon

Available facts indicate that the Progressives’ Russia Collusion narrative is fake — and time is running out to investigate the true Clinton/FBI collusion. With questions swirling around the Trump-Russian collusion narrative, we seem to be living in a John le Carré novel.  It is one full of spies where the

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