Bookworm Beat 9/7/24: The ‘America’s gone mad’ meme edition
Once, America was a sane country. Now, as these memes prove, it’s gone bat fecal matter crazy. I want my old country back.
Continue readingConservatives deal with facts and reach conclusions; liberals have conclusions and sell them as facts.
Once, America was a sane country. Now, as these memes prove, it’s gone bat fecal matter crazy. I want my old country back.
Continue readingUp until the Enlightenment, Christians, on the whole, did not treat Jews well. This left Jews suspicious and fearful of Christians. They need to get over it. For almost two millennia, Jews in Christian domains did not fare well. This didn’t come from the Bible. It came from the European
Continue readingThe 2nd Day of Christmas and the Feast of St. Stephen, the first Christian to be martyred for his faith in God and Jesus Christ The Feast of St. Stephen, The First Martyr of the Church Stephen was one of several people whom Peter and the apostles appointed as the
Continue readingI always look for a dominant theme with my illustrated editions. Here, the common thread is that Biden’s in the White House and it’s ugly. And finally, the video Jim Jordan wasn’t allowed to show:
Continue readingThe one good sign about the world devolving with such rapidity is that events provide a huge fund from which to draw when it comes to memes. UPDATE: I just looked at this post and saw that, rather than calling it “life in Biden’s America,” as I had intended, I
Continue readingDemocrats are pouring their money into defeating Lindsey Graham. Please donate to him if you can and, if you’re in S.C., vote for Graham. To be honest, before 2018, I never thought much of South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham. He was just another middle-of-the-road Republican with too many RINO tendencies and
Continue readingThe progressives will not accept a Trump victory in November, thus ending an unbroken history of 232 years of peaceful transfer of power in our nation dating to when the Constitution was adopted in 1788. Seemingly the only question is how progressives will attempt to end Trump’s tenure if their
Continue readingThe Ivy League and other institutions of higher ed propagate ideas as destructive to America as the pernicious ivy plant is to a garden or home. I spent several hours today rooting out ivy from the planting bed by my front door. I am exhausted because ivy is a very
Continue readingSince Bernie the Red appears to be the Democrat’s likely nominee at this point, absent DNC hijinks to steal the nomination from him, we need to understand what he means when he says “democratic socialism.” From the 19 Feb., 2020 Nevada Democrat Debate: BLOOMBERG: . . . It’s ridiculous. We’re not
Continue readingEvery one of the icky Democrat party candidates is a wannabe tyrant who is not qualified to be president but that doesn’t mean one of them can’t win. I watched the Democrat primary debate and had very mixed feelings. On the one hand, I thought that this collection of despots,
Continue readingBernie says Bloomberg won’t bring enough energy to the 2020 election to defeat Trump. Bloomberg says that Bernies is bringing the wrong kind of energy. Both are probably right — and if they are, then Trump wins. Sayeth Bernie the Red: The simple truth is that Mayor Bloomberg, with all
Continue readingThis is an “everything and the kitchen sink” post into which I’ve tossed random thoughts from the past few days, some domestic and some political. 1. My new home outside of Charleston is lovely and, after a few days of frenzied, non-stop work, it’s also finally clean. There’s still a
Continue readingThe 11th Day of Christmas, Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, The Rump Parliament Votes to Put The King on Trial, The Fabian Society, Roman Civil War, Vikings, Seven Years War, Russo-Turkish War, Crazy Nancy named Speaker, and More. Holidays and Observances on January 4 11th Day of Christmas Feast
Continue readingIn 2016, I wrote several posts for my I Don’t Like Bernie blog. With Bernie rising in the polls, this post revisits his terrible tax proposals. The website I Like Bernie, But…, created in 2016 and updated for 2019, tries to calm people’s fears about Bernie Sander’s socialist extremism. It states
Continue readingContrary to the promise in a pro-Bernie website that socialism is great, it’s not: It destroys economies and makes people prisoners of their own government. The website I Like Bernie, But…, which was created in 2016 and has been updated for 2019, takes it upon itself to answer concerned readers who
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