Reasons for optimism

I must admit I'm a little down today.  I'm stuck on negative thoughts as the price of oil tops $68 a barrel, the price of gas at the cheapest pump in town hits 277.9, the Republicans look headed for disaster in November, thousands are marching in the streets in support of people who are breaking the law of the land, the killing of innocent Iraqis by other Iraqis continues unabated, the world is not a happy place. 

I need you, dear Bookworm readers, to tell me why we should be optimistic about the future of America and the world.  I suppose I'll get things started by noting that just about every generation of Americans has believed that things were going to hell in a handbasket yet America is still the greatest success story the world has ever known, almost no matter how you measure success.  The internet gives wonderful people like the Bookworm and all of her readers (and me, from time to time) a chance to meet each other and share ideas in a way never before possible.  People are living longer and better and science and medicine continue to astound.

I feel better already.  Okay, it's your turn.  Why should we all be optimistic in the face of so much bad news?  What are the signs that give you hope that we should continue the fight and the world will ultimately be a better place for our having done so?  Let's share some good news, for a chance.