News you can’t trust

James Q. Wilson carefully explains that the MSM is no longer reporting the news, but is actively attempting to shape events — in this case, it is working assiduously to ensure that the US backs out of this war, precisely the same way it backed out of Vietnam. His article covers the overwhelmingly negative focus of the MSM stories, the active role the press takes in undermining wartime initiatives, the way in which reporting now differs significantly from reporting in previous wars, the possible reasons behind this reporting, the myths the MSM uses to justify its slanted coverage, and, most importantly, our need as informed Americans to recognize and respond to what is happening.
Considering what happened to the Vietnamese and the Cambodians after the last American act of cowardice, it’s shockingly immoral that the media should be attempting to use its vast power to create precisely the same outcome.

I’d rank this article, not as a must read, but as a “if you read nothing else today you should read this” article.  Oh, and then go out and vote Republican tomorrow!