A little perspective on the Democrats’ Fox debate debacle

Seraphic Secret gets to the heart of the insanity behind the Democrats’ decision to hide from Fox TV:

So let me get this straight. According to the Democrats, Israel is supposed to sit down and chat with Hamas, a terrorist gang dedicated to Israel’s annihilation.

According to the Democrats Israel is also supposed to sit down and “dialogue with Iran,” a country that denies the Holocaust, even as it promises a new Holocaust.

Also, according to the Democrats, America is supposed to shmooze with the North Koreans, a country that has systematically murdered over 3 million of its own citizens.

Why? Well, because you “talk to your enemies.”

But the Democrats refuse to take part in a debate sponsored by Fox Cable Network because, y’know, Fox is too right wing.

Got that?

I’d like to thank the Democratic Presidential candidates: Edwards, Obama, & Clinton for being so publicly willing to reveal their cowardice. They’re terrified of Fox journalists armed with Mont Blanc pens. Imagine how they’d stand up to the surging jihadist threat.

Read the rest here.

The whole thing would be funny if it weren’t so damn scary that these people actually want to be in charge. I guess that’s why I was especially charmed by John Derbyshire’s column today about Giuliani’s SOB factor. Damn right that in this day and age I don’t want a shrinking violet, or a wobbly waffler, or a sensitive flower leading my nation. I want someone who doesn’t need to be best friends with every petty tyrant, every newspaper reporter, and every political foe. It’s one thing to be able to get along. It’s another thing to sacrifice your principles and backbone entirely so as to be liked. That’s fine if you’re a social gadfly, but disastrous if you’re the leader of a target nation. (By the way, I think Romney could be an SOB, too, as could most of the Republican candidates, bless their mean little hearts.)

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