The Weasel Watchers have spoken

The anticipation was killing, but the Watcher’s Council results are finally in and I can say, with some confidence, that they are good.

On the Council side first place (again!) went to Big Lizards, this time for a stellar article pointing out that, at the NYT: Analogies Are Meaningless (Unless They Favor the Left). As you have no doubt grasped from the post’s title, the post addresses the shock and horror the Times experienced when President Bush not only had the temerity to reference the Vietnam War as a teaching guide for our current situation, but did so without using the words “quagmire” or “liberal professor from Harvard.” Yes, it is a very good post.

A well deserved second place went to Soccer Dad with another attack on the Times‘ peculiar inability to provide a level playing field in the religiously related stories it reports. In Separate But Unequal, Soccer Dad focused, not on Iraq and Vietnam, but on reports about a Muslim school in New York (“good” in Times-speak) and a Jewish school in Florida (“bad” in Times-speak). It takes a PhD in liberalism to understand the distinction the Times draws between the two schools, but suffice it to say I think it might have something to do with the difference between the school that represents the 1.6 billion Muslim victims worldwide and the school that represents the 13.3 million widely scattered, mostly assimilated Jewish oppressors world wide. (And yes, my tongue is firmly in cheek as I attach those adjectives.)

The offerings are just as good if you switch to the non-Council stuff. First place went to the screamingly funny (I mean that) Like a Suppository, Only a Bit Stronger, by The Dissident Frogman, a video with an important munitions lesson. Do watch it, if you haven’t already.

Second place was Confederate Yankee’s Misfire: AP’s Bogus Ammo Shortage Story, which (I’m seeing themes here) also gives a munitions lesson: this time a lesson in understanding that munitions actually exist — a concept that seems to elude the media.

At this point, everybody say with me: “Those are the winners but all the nominations were excellent. Do your brain a favor and take some time to read them.”