What I’ll be reading today

Among the other things I’ll be reading today will be all of these posts that the Watcher’s Council members nominated.  Without having even read them, I know based on past experience that they will be wonderful, since my fellow Council members are an intelligent and discerning group.  Also, many thanks to Soccer Dad for hosting the vote this week.

  1. Done with Mirrors – Who knew?
  2. Bookworm Room – The moral of the story
  3. Cheat Seeking Missiles – Obama in Berlin: Wrong City, Wrong Time
  4. JoshuaPundit – Why Maliki Suddenly Wants A US Withdrawal From Iraq
  5. Colossus of Rhodey – Yet another rant
  6. Hillbilly White Trash – Can America “Get it back?”
  7. The Razor – Speak truth to power – just not to educators
  8. Soccer Dad – Horribly Wrong Part II
  1. Confederate Yankee (2) – Mac & P.C.
  2. Colonel Robert Neville … – Spot the Smiley Fascism
  3. Alien – Chizumatic –  Ghosts of My Past
  4. Michael Yon –The War is Over. We Won
  5. Chronicle of Higher Education – Gone and being forgotten
  6. Right Wing Nuthouse – When it’s Obama’s War
  7. The Pirate King – Scientists are now admitting climate fraud
  8. Baseball Crank – Are We There Yet? Victory in Iraq and the 2008 Election