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If you can stomach the 1:18 minutes of your time, it’s worth watching, not just for what one black woman says, but for the glee with which the media and the president respond to her exceptionally vicious and ill-informed attack against Rush Limbaugh:


Please note, too, Sykes’ belief that “a little waterboarding” is a good thing, if Rush is the recipient.

I’m willing to bet that 80-90% of the people who laughed at her “jokes” have never actually listened to Rush.

UPDATEEd Morrissey has a similar take.  That a 3rd (5th?  10th?) rate comedienne launches vile personal attacks against a Republican is nothing new and, sadly, we’re so inured, it’s not even that disturbing.  What is disturbing is the way in which the President — the President! — joyfully receives those sallies.  We don’t care about the comedienne; we should care about the commander in chief.

UPDATE II:  Jules Crittendon has a round-up of reactions to this comedy moment.  My favorite one-phraser is Neptunus Lex, who characterized it as a “group grope.”