I have been suffering greatly this morning, preparing carpooling charts for various end of school year events.  I hate doing the charts, but I hate even more not having carpools.

While I’m getting non-chart stuff done this morning (the process really burned up my time), here are a few links that I found interesting and that I’d like to share with you:

No, Muslims did not learn Jew hatred from the Nazis.  And no, Muslims did not learn Jew hatred from the insult of Israel’s creation.  It’s an integral part of their religious doctrine.  Brutally Honest, after quoting from the link I just provided asks the right questions.

Barack Obama’s appearance in San Francisco on Tuesday brought out, not only Tea Partiers, but Obama supporters.  The latter are not a pretty sight.  Please check out Fund47 to see the face of those who believe Obama is the president most likely to carry out their political and ideological agenda.

Considering the acts of Islamic terrorism that have recently taken place within American (Fort Hood, Times Square, etc.), I’d ordinarily feel relief to hear that President Obama is promising to focus on domestic terrorism.  However, considering that he refuses to equate Islam with the terrorist acts, while focusing, laser-like, on “right wing extremism,” I’m not sanguine about the outcome of this one.  Neither is Steve Schippert.

Wordsmith’s Memorial Day post deserves a visit, and some fierce concentration while you’re there.  Obama may need to party in Chicago but we, the ordinary Americans, need to take some time to commemorate those, who over the centuries, have sacrificed their lives to preserve American freedoms.

UPDATEDo you think a constitutional military coup is possible?  And do you think that, if we are couped (is that word?) we can ever go back to a Constitutional republic?  (h/t Sadie)

Barack Obama has two very distinct approaches to words, both of which reflect the beliefs his followers hold, and both of which are dangerous.  His first, which falls under the umbrella of his “words matter” statement, is his belief that words are tantamount to acts.  Once you’ve said something, you’re done.  You don’t need actually to do anything.  This is his approach to foreign policy, which seems him speaking softly, while reverentially laying his stick at the feet of those who wish us ill.  His second approach lies in his complete understanding of the Orwellian notion that changes in vocabulary fundamentally influence thought patterns.  If you effectively erase a word from the dictionary, you may just have effectively erased the idea that went with it.  It is this notion that the Paragraph Farmer targets in his post about the haters’ language of hate.


Just a few more things — plus my apologies for the lack of substantive posts over the past few days.  I’ve hit one of those walls where I have inchoate ideas, but can’t quite manipulate them into a coherent single p0st.  My brain is like that.  It goes from totally blank to wallowing in epiphanies.  The former is deadly, the latter exciting.  You’ll know when the latter hits.  ‘Til then, I’ll just keep passing on the good stuff from other people.

I’ve been following the Rand Paul kerfuffle from a distance.  I don’t like his father, so I’m dubious about the son.  At the very least, he’s not a careful thinker or speaker, and that always spells trouble.  (Gov. Christie, on the other hand, always seems spectacularly in control of his own content.)  If Paul was a deep thinker, he might have reached VodkaPundit’s conclusions on the States’ Rights issue.

Zombie was in San Francisco when Obama was, and has a spectacular photo essay on the subject — not just because of the photos, but because of Zombie’s deep and rich understanding of the different protesters who enliven any SF event.

ObamaCare’s war on small business.  I won’t say any more.  You can read it here.  No, wait.  I’ll say one more thing:  I told you so.

And please check out these two Memorial Day posts at Blackfive.