Is the Sky Falling? NYT Item Questions The One

Interesting item from the New York Times today about a “mischaracterization” (what we knucklewalkers call a “lie”) Obama made during the 2008 campaign. The lede:

“The White House on Wednesday declined to challenge an account in a new book that suggests that President Obama in his campaign to overhaul American health care, mischaracterized a central anecdote about his mother’s deathbed dispute with her insurance company.”

The Obama “narrative” is slowly unraveling. Even the true believers are getting sick of the guy. So expect more sniping at the edges as the whore media wait to see if Obama is losing his momentum. If so, they will throw him under the bus as fast as they can to make room for somebody else.

Speaking of—and I know this is a long shot—let’s say the Democrats do decide to toss Obama overboard. Who’s waiting in the wings? Could Hillary take advantage of the resentment among all the Demo women who saw how disgracefully the media and Obama treated her? Is there a Demo dark horse who’s been making waves off camera who could make a plausible case for being both the not-Obama and the not-GOP candidate? A superb tightrope walker?

How would the not-Obama position him/herself to get Demos and independents to the polls in large enough numbers to win the 2012 election? In a way we’re looking to design a successful campiagn from our opponents’ point of view.